The daily newspaper model is dying. Readers moved to the web, where it’s hard to earn adequate subscription or ad dollars. The other revenue stream, classifieds, was upended by craigslist.
Smart people are trying to create a model to save not the medium (print) but the institution (journalism). I-tune like micropayments for stories is one. But no silver bullet yet.
Jacek Utko has a different idea. He thinks better design can make a difference. His inspiring presentation from a recent TED conference is below. It includes striking examples and might change how you think of the printed newspaper’s potential.
Be warned, he takes away any excuse you (I) might rely on. As he says, you can work in the boring branch of a small company with no record of achievement. With guts and perseverance, you can still make an impact.
Can the D & C can pull this off?
Matt Jones
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