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New season, new prez!

September 1, 2009


It seems like only yesterday we were drinking warm beer out of plastic cups at my Klassy Kegger.

Watching Mayor Duffy pose gamely on the ADDY red carpet with two drag queens? That couldn’t have been two years ago.

And let us not forget the sight of a preggers ADDY emcee and RAF VP Robin Lohkamp vamping up the catwalk in a giant Snuggie.

Ahh, the memories.

It’s been a great run as RAF prez these past two years.

I’ve met so many new friends. And learned a ton along the way.

I’ve so appreciated having this opportunity to serve our great creative communications community.

I am continually amazed by the talent pool we have here–as well as the enthusiasm, support, and camaraderie of this wonderful organization.

And I could not be more thrilled to turn over the reins to my ready, willing, and able successor: the Mayor of Nikville!

Joe Mayernik, ACD at Jay Advertising, has served on the RAF board for over seven years.

Joe brings a wealth of creative experience and connections to the post.

Not only a kick-ass art director and designer, Joe is also an amazing illustrator, actor, singer, emcee, deejay, voice-of-God, and all-around great guy.

He is well versed in the history of the RAF and is well suited to help create its future.

I hope you will join me in welcoming, supporting, and wishing Joe all the best as 2009-2011 RAF president.

Thank you so much for all you’ve done to help educate and inspire our membership as well as our community at large.

And for making my two years as RAF president go by in a heartbeat.

See you at the next RAF event!

Best regards,

Kate Sonnick