#10 – As part of the “No Creative Left Behind” program, all submissions will be displayed online before the event.
#9 – It’s one more opportunity to be able to write off a whole evening of partying as a business expense.
#8 – Where else can you give a rival agency the “stink-eye” without the risk of a fist fight?
#7 – Drink orders via Tweet.
#6 – Your work will be seen by the entire Rochester Advertising Community, not just the 15 people in the “target audience.”
#5 – You may show up single, but you could leave with a new client.
#4 – Rumor has it that Joe Mayernik is planning an interpretive digital dance routine.
#3 – Side-effects may include a swelling of your network and increased visibility in the Ad community.
#2 – There’s no penalty for excessive celebration.
#1 – We need to show those sissies in Minneapolis (aka judges) just what the Rochester Ad community’s made of.
Submitted by Andrea Zuegel and Matt Smythe
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