EVENT DATE: November 17th 2020
TIME: 5:30pm
LOCATION: Zoom Link to Meeting
Speaker: Scott Pukos, Public Relations Coordinator at The Little Theatre
Title: BYOP (Bring Your Own Popcorn)
When COVID hit, The Little Theatre suspended all film and music programming. That was Saturday, March 14, and now more than eight pandemic months later, they are still closed to the public. But through it all, The Little hasn’t once gone dark on social and they’ve managed to keep the Rochester community very engaged.
Join Scott Pukos (PR Coordinator) to hear about all of the creative ways The Little is staying relevant and connected with their members, donors, and followers — from virtual movies to viral marquee signs and 90-Day Popcorn Pass fundraisers. It’s sure to be an inspiring show!
Movie snacks and beverages recommended and encouraged.
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