My new must-have website feature? “Add/Share this” button. You know what I’m talking about… you get to the end of a really good article or funny video, and you think, “I have got to pass that along!” Click one little button, and bingo – it either embeds in your Facebook page, goes to your page, emails it… etc. Your choice.
So, on a personal level it’s great. But on a professional level it’s especially worth taking note. First, and most obvious, we’re talking about free content. No matter what your business, there’s some kind of credentialed content out there that adds variety and depth to your site if you can include it. For example, one of my clients, Embria Health Sciences, manufactures an immune health ingredient. They have plenty of good content on the site to explain why the product is effective, but do we believe it? A couple of months ago, they decided to embed a blog that is devoted to issues around immune health (and happens condone their product). Free product endorsement AND supporting content.
Sharing content is also a great way to increase site traffic. If a few avid readers post your content on their own sites to share with friends, you’ve now gained free doorways back to your site. And by the way, all of this linking does great things for organic search rankings.
Check out the video tour of this service on Add This site:
Add This Tour
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