RAF Freelance Expo on Thursday, April 22, and the Memorial Art Gallery from 5:30-7:30pm. RSVP to attend.
If you are a freelancer there is still time to exhibit at the event and showcase your work. RSVP to exhibit.
Marketing directors and agency peeps. Do you use freelancers now? Do you feel you may have the need to hire a creative freelance employee? Even if you not have an immediate creative need. I encourage you to come to the Freelance Expo. Our goal is to bring freelancers and decision makers in the marketing profession together. To make a contact. Network. So that when there is creative need, you have someone to contact.
Admission is free. The food is complimentary. So come on over to the MAG, and who knows, you next big idea could come from a freelancer exhibiting at the event. The Freelance Expo. on Thursday, April 22, and the Memorial Art Gallery from 5:30-7:30pm.
Prez Joe
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