Chris Lyons and his freelance insights managed to pack the Tap & Mallet last week. So much so that many of us found ourselves standing in the back or at the bar because there just wasn’t enough room. In case you were one of those unlucky few, or you managed to get a good seat and just want to hear Chris’ presentation again, we captured it all on video and posted it to Vimeo just for you. Watch it below or visit
20 Minutes & A Beer is an educational/social program started by the RAF as a way to showcase our local authorities on various topics that are relevant to our industry and market. On Tuesday October 19th at the Tap & Mallet, Freelance Illustrator Chris Lyons gave a talk about working without a net: Making the jump to freelance.
The RAF is the Rochester NY chapter of the National AAF and is a group dedicated to enriching the creative community through programs and sponsorships that educate, celebrate and inspire great work.
The Tap & Mallet is located at 381 Gregory Street, Rochester, NY 14620
(585) 473-0503
– Scott Wolf
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