We’re excited to announce a new partnership between the RAF and Nazareth College that directly benefits RAF members.
This partnership provides RAF members with preferred access to any of the Nazareth College School of Business and Leadership master-level graduate programs; MS Leadership & Organizational Change, MS Global Business Leadership, MS People, Analytics & Leadership.
Additionally, Nazareth will provide a scholarship benefit* to RAF members for the M.S. in Marketing Communications Leadership, which reduces the cost by 25%.
A few additional details on the master degree program in Marketing and Communications Leadership:
• Prepares individuals for the future of marketing;
• Created by industry leaders;
• Taught by marketing experts;
• 20-month program;
• Convenient weekend classes (once a month)
For more information on this exciting new member benefit, please contact the RAF President or our Nazareth College liaison, Bryan Adams, badams1@naz.edu. You can also find more information on their website at https://www2.naz.edu/academics/grad/marketing-degree-program.
*Please note that RAF member applicants must meet the same admissions criteria set forth for other students applying to Nazareth College School of Management graduate programs.
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